Friday, June 6, 2008


So, I didn't figure I'd have even one second for my blog before next week but I do....

It seems like as each waking hour goes by, one more thing breaks! I spent yesterday trying to "fix" Allison's recital costume so that the irritation doesn't cause her to break out in hives by the end of the day Saturday! That wasn't the quick fix I thought but I after just about devoting the entire day to it, I think we've got it under control.

Last night in preparing for today, we were getting the video camera ready - you know making sure it was charged and had a good tape in it. We are (or were) video taping Allison's dress rehersal since we are not allowed to do any photographing or video of the actual recital. Did you catch that I said WERE? Yes, that is because our camera just broke! Just like that broke! Perfect a few weeks ago, but now totally broke! So... I guess that we won't be taping dress rehersal! :o(

Went to bed last night with normal water. Woke up to tea coming out of my faucets throughout my whole house. Tea party anyone?! Guess what - boiling water does not take the discoloration away! Thought I'd try it but after 25 minutes of boiling, it still looks like a pot of tea! Anyone want to come over for a tea party?! I'm off to a 2nd grade field trip w/ Jacob - a day with 2nd grade boys should be just what I need for my frustration! :o)

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