Monday, June 9, 2008

Heat Wave!

We are in the midst of a terrible heat wave. These temperatures are unusual for anytime during the summer but definately not the normal for June! I hope this is not a sign of the upcoming summer! We hit 98 degrees today but with the heat index we were feeling like 105! Jacob and Allison's school is not air conditioned. I didn't quite know whether to send them but by 11 am when I picked Allison up from Kindergarten, I decided to get Jacob as well! I'm really glad that I did - I found out later that they gathered most of the school into the air conditioned gym to watch movies for the rest of the afternoon. They called a 1/2 day for tomorrow due to the severe weather conditions. Fortunately the weather is supposed to breaking tomorrow night with some storms.

Since our pool is not open yet, I decided to "spluge" and get the kids a slip and slide. I was at Walmart and found one for less than $8. After the heat of the day today I hooked it up and the kids went wild on it. I wasn't sure if it would be a hit or not but it was a good cool down for them! The down side was that once it was hooked up, I had to sit in the heat and supervise! Even if it only lasts until the pool opens full time next week, it was well worth the $8 investment!

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