Friday, June 27, 2008

My 2 Pirates!

My parents gave Jacob a "Pirate Voyage" as part of his birthday present. So, today Jacob & Eric took the voyage. Pirate Voyages is a privately owned boat excursion out of OC. When you arrive, you get your face painted and any other "tatoos" you would like, an eye patch, and a bandana cap. I was just along to see them off on their voyage and to take pictures. Once on board the pirate ship, all the "pirates" signed their flag and hoisted it up the mast. The "pirates" that were running the voyage were all dressed to play the part of a pirate. As the ship set sail, they followed a map to the hidden treasure which was marked with an "X". The booty was pulled aboard and divided among all the pirates on board. Before returning to dock, a "bad" pirate planned a sneak attack on the ship and a full out water war broke out with super soakers and water cannons! I'm happy to say that both of my pirates made it back to land safely and had lots of fun!

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