Saturday, June 7, 2008

Recital Time!

Today was Allison's 3rd recital. She absolutely loves dancing and loves performing. This year has been especially fun for her because she has had many opportunities to perform because she has been on a dance team. Tonight's performance was bitter sweet. Sweet because it was the end of another dance year and time for a break. Bitter because Allison's dance teacher, Miss Libby will not be returning next year. Allison has danced with Miss Libby for 3 years and we absolutely adore her! Miss Libby will be greatly missed! The girls also had an assistant this year, Miss Andrea, who is a senior in high school so she too will be missed a ton next year! Allison's class danced to a Disney Princess song called "Dressed for Tea". A very cute dance and the girls did a wonderful job! By then end of the day - 2 performances in fact - they were all very tired!

She will again be on the dance team next year and most of the girls she danced with this year will also be dancing again so it will be fun to reunite with them in September.

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