Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sick Again?!

So much for a short 24 hour thing! Jacob was not feeling well over the weekend and even had a low grade temperature. I thought he was better yesterday so off to school he went. Right now his chief complaint is that his legs hurt and he is really having quite a bit of difficulty walking. After down playing it yesterday and seeing no improvement today, in fact he's feeling worse today, we kept him home and took him to the Dr.

Turns out he has what the Dr. is calling "a really really bad case of the flu". The leg pain is causing myalgia due to the flu (simply muscle aching as a result of the flu). Although his asthma is flaring again, his lungs and chest are clear. So Motrin and rest and lots of fluid! No school today or tomorrow! UGH!

After I questioned whether or not he really ever got over what he had in February, the doctor responded with this little formula....
The average child gets 6-8 respiratory illnesses each year. Each illness tends to last on average 10 - 14 days. So... we are well under average at this point! Scary figures though!

1 comment:

bondgirl said...

feel better Jacob!