Friday, February 8, 2008

Is it or isn't it?!

Since being away on the Women's Retreat, I have been desperately trying to catch up on my sleep! (I'm too old for such craziness!) However, it's Friday and I'm still trying to make up for lost sleep!

I went to bed quite early on Tuesday night only to be awoken at what felt like 2 or 3 am but in actuality was only 11pm. Allison had what I thought was some type of a stomach virus. Without going into detail, it was one of those moments where Eric and I didn't know where to begin the clean up process. So, not knowing what was ahead throughout the rest of the night, I decided to sleep on the floor in her room. We got the air mattress out and the bed all made for me to sleep. Sleep was not on the agenda though. It felt like I had laid there all night just waiting for the next episode all the while Allison slept. So little sleep for that night. After no other episodes and her feeling 100% all day Wednesday, she went back to school yesterday. She ate all kinds of stuff and no issue. Whew - we lucked out w/ that stomach virus - must have been a 12 hour thing or something!

Then.... 2 am this morning, it was like dejavu! Are you kidding me?! So now what do I do? Get the air mattress out again and try to get some sleep! But once again, no rest for the weary. I spent most of my awake time trying to figure out what I was going to do w/ Allison today. She had already made her tearful plea that she wanted to go to school today and that she would feel better in the morning.

I got her up this morning, her color was good, she was hungry and bouncing around like Tigger! So off to school she went.

Did I do the right thing? Oh, I don't know?! The one thing I do know is that should there be a need for the air mattress tonight, Eric will be on it! No work tomorrow so no excuses!

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