Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Tonight I've discovered a new level of torture! Jacob has been working on a project for school about dinosaurs. He had to pick a dinosaur, research it, write a report, sketch a picture for the cover. As if that wasn't torture enough for me to supervise, they also have the option of typing the report! Great! We sat tonight while he typed on the computer only the 1st of 3 paragraphs. He was actually very good at the whole typing thing but as I sat here with him, it was oh so hard to not just take over and have the whole thing done in 5 minutes!

He thinks he is such hot stuff typing his report. And the good thing is that we can't argue about how neat or not neat his handwriting is or how the spacing is correct or incorrect. It's all done just perfectly on the computer - just quite long!

So tomorrow, we will return to the computer and continue the torture!

I love school projects!!!!!


Royal Cuties said...

Oh man, I feel your pain! I can't even watch Emma type her work - I have to leave the room and do something else.

Aimee said...

My goodness...typing at such a young age...what grade is he in anyway....wow. I am going to have to not sit by the computer when that day rolls around...it would drive me nuts! Kudos to you for sticking it out!!!