Thursday, August 2, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Today completed our summer swimming lessons at our swim club. Both Jacob and Allison had lessons everyday for 9 days. The lessons were not as cumbersome for me as in the past since both kids were in the same group! Instead of being there for 1 1/2 hours we were only there for 45 minutes! Fortunately the last day was the absolute worst in terms of the heat so all in all it was a great session - for the observers!

Both kids did extremely well! Jacob was the youngest in his class by several years (most kids were 11 and 12) and was placed in the highest level group. They worked on fine tuning their various strokes. Besides Freestyle, Jacob enjoys the Breast stroke the best! His instructor, Miss Tara was great and was very proud of his accomplishments!
Allison also made great strides in her swimming abilities! She was the youngest in her class as well (the others were at least 1 or 2 years older). She was the only one in her class that did not use a floatation bubble to swim! She has started to swim Freestyle and use her arms. She swims along at a pretty good speed! She also broke her fear of jumping into the water. We've been working on this a few years and finally we made progress! She even went off the diving board and jumped to a noodle rather than hold onto the noodle. This is a huge advancement from last year, when one instructor had to be in the water to catch and the other one took her by the arms and lowered her into the water! Allison had 2 instructors, Miss Angela and Mr. Justin!


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