Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sparkling Ears!

For almost a year, I've been asking Allison if she wanted her ears pierced. Everytime, she would give the same answer, "No, I like the stick on earrings, Mommy." So we have never pressed the issue. About 2 weeks ago, her friend Maddy got her ears pierced. Apparently Maddy paved the way for others to follow in her footsteps. Last Tuesday we were in the mall and we passed by where they pierce ears. I told Allison that Maddy and her friend Jenna both had their ears pierced there. Right then and there she decided that she was ready to take the plunge! Since Eric and I were getting ready to leave town in a couple of days, we decided that we would do it when we returned. Part of me thought that she would change her mind, but once Allison makes her mind up about something, there is no changing it!

So, today was the day! Of course, I needed backup because my history of being able to stay conscience during and after ear piercing is less than perfect (seems like it doesn't matter who is having their ears pierced this particular activity causes me to faint on the spot!). So my mom met me at the local jewelry store for the happy occasion! Allison was excited but a little nervous. We made sure that the store had 2 people there to do both ears simultaneously. Allison choose blue crystal stud earrings. I was a bit surprised at her choice of blue, but her explanation was that blue was for Cinderella! Of course, why not! After a few tears, she was thrilled with her new addition to her wardrobe! And I stayed upright for the whole thing! We both survived her ears being pierced!

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