Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wow! Am I Getting Old?!

Last night Eric and I had a few hours to ourselves as the kids had their last night of AWANAS. We went to a local restaurant for a quick bite to eat. After a very relaxing dinner, Eric decided that he wanted some icecream and suggested an old favorite, Coneheads. It's been YEARS since we have been to Coneheads! We walked in and absolutely nothing has changed - nothing except the prices - yikes!

Anyway.... while we were sitting there eating our icecream, it occurred to me that I've been visiting Coneheads for a really, really long time! There is no way that I'm old enough to say just how long I've been going there - in fact - it's a little scary! I've been going there for 20 years! Is that possible?! Unbelievable! So I start recounting in my mind memories of going there with high school friends. Then I start thinking - WOW - have I really been out of school for that long!?

Just like that 20 years have passed by in what seems like just yesterday. Then there are times when those days seem like a lifetime ago when I look at my life now... a stay at home mom with 2 great kids and a wonderful husband!

All this over a bowl of icecream!