Saturday, April 12, 2008

Opening Soccer Day!

This morning was opening day for our township recreational soccer teams. Allison is the only one playing this year as Jacob's travel team is still playing their spring season. Allison was very excited about her season beginning! She is on the same team as one of her good friends, Jenna as well as one of her classmates.

We've determined that Allison is going to be the social butterfly of the two kids. Upon arriving at the field and walking to the field, everyone we passed was calling out, "Hi Allison!". Everyone seems to know her!

When we arrived in the parking lot, I felt like I was in the circus and seeing how many people we could get into our minivan! You see, we are watching my friend's 3 girls. So add my 2 kids to her 3 girls and Eric and I are terribly out numbered. As I was unloading them, I found myself counting to make sure that we had all 5 children!

The 4 kids that weren't playing all did well keeping themselves busy with bubbles and some soccer balls that we took with us! Unfortunately, the sky got black just as we were done with soccer so we were unable to make it to the playground as we had talked about. They were all good sports though and were having a good time running between the rain drops as the sky opened up!

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

I had to check and be sure you didn't post any incriminating photos of my kids or say anything ugly about them! :)

Thanks again, a ton!