Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer Fun!

I know that it's been some time since I've last posted but we've been truly enjoying the dog days of summer!

Our days have been spent poolside at our swim club just about every day! The kids have really enjoyed this year at the pool. They have met some really great friends and it's been like having a play date everyday! Towards the end of summer, the kids would sit around a table with an umbrella (can't get too hot you know!) and play card games. Sometimes it would be UNO, and sometimes random games that they taught each other with a regular deck of cards. It was mostly Jacob and his friends and they all looked liked a bunch of old men sitting there betting their lunches away!

When they weren't playing cards or cooling off in the pool, there were always rousing games of kick ball, dodge ball, or run the bases! Again, mostly boys, but that certainly did not keep Allison from joining in on the fun! There would be times when she would be playing with all the boys and Jacob wouldn't even be there! I'm wondering if I should be worried about how comfortable she is with hanging out with the boys!?

We had a great summer and are sad to see it end! We are wrapping up our summer in OC and will post about that soon! Lots of new pictures and stories!

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

Hope you were finally able to get in the water!

Glad you posted gave me a reason to stop painting for a few minutes.