Monday, October 22, 2007


So the day has arrived for all of our earthly possessions to be packed. In just a couple of days all those boxes will then be hauled off to who knows where for about 1 month while repairs are made to our house.

So, here I sit watching complete strangers pack everything! This is so against my character to just sit here like a sack of potatoes but there is nothing really for me to do. We moved all of our things out yesterday so what is left is left for them to pack up. Besides, I'm so tired that I don't think I could pack anything w/o an emotional breakdown.

As I sit and type this I'm just reminded how completely absurd this whole situation is. Really, who does this? I just keep thinking - this is nuts - really nuts!

So, we will keep you all updated on this process. I'll be at the house all day today and tomorrow and then on Wednesday as they move things out. We are hoping and praying that we will be back regular life in a month!


Organized Chaos said...

At least you don't have to babysit your friends kid all afternoon! GOSH...she is so difficult and demanding. Like 3 of my own girls isn't enough, now a 4th!

Oh, wait...she's your kid...I, um, mean...uhh, she is sweet and easy. I'm obvioulsy not taking good care of her if I'm blogging...I just want to neglect her as much as I would my own girls!

Of course I'm completely kidding...just hoping to get you to smile and laugh in the midst of your stress.

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Melynie - Thanks! You did make me laugh! This is such a weird experience - thank you tons for neglecting (opps, I mean watching) Allison! :o)