Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Last Day of School

Today marked the last day of school! Although it's nice for summer break to be here, we are really going to miss Jacob's teachers! They are a wonderful team and have really enjoyed them this year! Eric and I wish Mrs. Kennedy and Ms. A would move to second grade with him - and then 3rd, and 4th - you get the picture! We are already praying that Allison has the same opportunity when she is in 1st grade! Jacob and his classmates helped to make the aprons that Mrs. Kennedy and Ms. A are wearing - that was part of their gift from the class.

We marked the end of the school year with a pool party at a friends home. It was a super hot day and the cool water was very refreshing! What a great way to kick off summer vacation!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I could hope that my boys get the team of Kennedy/Azpiri as well!! Glad it was a good year for you guys!