Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jacob Turns 7!

Jacob turned 7 today! Can hardly believe that he is 7! Gone are the days of my little baby! We spent his birthday weekend at the shore. Yesterday we started our weekend with a bike ride up to the boardwalk. Both kids are not proficient enough to ride up there unassisted and they are both too big for "baby seats" so for the first time, both are riding on what is called an "alley cat". Essentially it is a one wheeled bike that attaches to Eric and my bikes and becomes like a bicycle built for 2. They can peddle when the desire strikes. Jacob is better at helping peddle than Allison right now. Allison enjoys her ride singing, and taking in all the sights along the way! When we got back from biking, we spent the day at the beach with the Davis Family and Grandmom and Grandpop and cousin Abby. We all had pizza for dinner, some cupcakes and icecream for dessert and finished the day off with an evening on the boardwalk amusements! What better day could the birthday day wish for.

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