Monday, October 13, 2008

Today we took the kids to the zoo. It was a beautiful day with temperatures around 80 - a perfect day for an outside activity. We packed a cooler full of drinks and food and hopped in the car for our trip! We spent the day just leisurely walking around and looking at everything. Since it was just the 4 of us we had no agenda and just spent our day doing and seeing whatever the kids led us to. Since we bought a family membership, I'm certain we'll be back there frequently and they are open year round.

The favorite animal that seemed to be on both kids list was (warning you... this is strange...) the Naked Mole Rat. Who knew?! I'm not sure if they really liked the animal or just the name of it! Other favorites was the Lemur for Jacob and Kangaroo for Allison. Allison only liked one particular kangaroo - the one that looked like it was 1000 years old "because it walked funny". You never know just what will spark their interest!

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